Monday, November 5, 2012

McKenna's In-store world

 This is a post about McKenna's In-store world at American Girl Place. The picture that is above is where you can take your picture with McKenna.
 Here is McKenna's main case.
 McKenna's School Outfit....
 McKenna's Dog......(Cooper)
 McKenna's Fancy Outfit.....
 McKenna's Pajamas......
 Take The Challenge! book......
 McKenna Ready to Fly! book
 McKenna book...........
 A picture of some doll boxes.....
 McKenna's Pajamas and Cast and Crutches......
 McKenna's Loft Bed (Badly tampered with).......
 McKenna's Movie........
 McKenna Doll.....
The top-part of McKenna's display......
And finally, A picture of my McKenna doll on herself! XD


  1. I wish I could go back in time and get her school outfit!
